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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beauty Peace Day.

Seventeen (my all time favorite magazine since I was 12- no, I'll never be too old for it) has coined April 13, 2011 as "Beauty Peace Day".  This means that today is a makeup free day to embrace inner beauty and also shorten the morning routine for most.  

I typically don't wear an awful lot of makeup on a daily basis, but I am definitely a slave to eyeliner, mascara, neutral shadows and lip gloss.  Compared to others this is minimal.  So, today I opted for sunscreen (the face wash I use makes my skin burn easily) and chap stick.  

Ta da.

Eh it's a little scary, but a smile seems to make the whole no makeup thing look and feel a little better.  I'm half convinced that I need to do this once a week for the sake of my skin and perhaps a self confidence boost.  

Did any of you participate in Beauty Peace Day?  


  1. Love this, seventeen is my favorite too :)

  2. Who doesn't love "Seventeen"???
    I love the idea of Beauty Peace Day. While I wear makeup just about every day, I have no problem running errands without it. I don't feel like I need makeup in order to be beautiful -- but it definitely helps!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88
